4 Interview Pillars is a Goal and Results interview coaching method. We coach individuals for successful interview outcomes with a proven step by step system. First, we start by taking a look at strengths, needs and goals figuring what is needed to go forward. Then we create a road map or plan to help achieve interview success.

This includes coaching exercises in clarity, confidence, commitment, action, self-exploration of the individual’s strengths, research assignments, drills, role play, and mock interviews. We begin and end each session with robust interview assessment, this way we can clearly identify specific needs to measure progress.

Who could most benefit from the 4 Interview Pillars method?

The 4 Interview Pillars method can be implemented for most interviews. This office specializes in interviews for:

  • Medical School
  • Professional School
  • Management Position
  • New Job
  • Career Change
  • First Job
  • OR Your Dream Job
What does 4 Interview Pillars represent?

4 Interview Pillars method assists individuals with a unique, novel, and authentic method of successful interviewing. 4 Interview Pillars method when implemented into the interview process gives a strong and competitive edge to interview success.

What should I expect once enrolled in one of the programs?

Enrolled in the 4 Interview Pillars program offers a personal “one on one” coaching approach. First, we start by taking a look at strengths, needs and goals figuring what is needed to go forward. Then we create a road map or plan to help achieve interview success.

What makes 4 Interview Pillars different from other interview coaching services?

The 4 Interview Pillars method was developed from years of experience preparing individuals for interviews along with research in communications and interview dynamics producing an original, unique, and authentic interview method.

What are the 4 Interview Pillars?

They represent mastering TIMING, TONE, CONTENT, and CONTROL as part of the interview process.

Why do these four modalities work?

When 4 Interview Pillars are implemented it matters less on who is interviewing, nor what the questions are. The 4 interview Pillars method prepares an individual on how to control the narrative.

Are there any accompanied materials and supportive services?

Once enrolled we provide a copy of the 4Interview Pillars 4 Steps to Successful Interviewing Book